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Pelvic Health Physiotherapy


What Does Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Treat?

  1. Bladder issues such as incontinence (leaking urine), increased urgency or frequency, and the feeling of incomplete emptying

  2. Bowel issues such as incontinence (leaking stool or gas), and constipation

  3. Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)

  4. Pain in your pelvis, hips, or back

  5. Painful or difficult intercourse

  6. Pregnancy or Postpartum

  7. Before or after pelvic surgery

What Happens During a Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Assessment?

Every assessment and treatment is performed in a private room. The therapist will ask about any relevant history as well as perform a hands-on exam. This exam includes both an external component, where the back, hips, and core are assessed, as well as in internal component, where the therapist will assess the pelvic floor itself. This is done via a digital (finger) vaginal and/or rectal exam. The choice is always the patient’s to make, and the internal exam is not always necessary. However, this exam will help the therapist fully understand the function of the muscles, nerves, and organs that are causing problems.

What Next?

Once the assessment has been done, the therapist will be able to tailor treatment to each patient’s specific needs. This will include education, hands on treatment, and an individualized home exercise program.

Disclaimer: The information found on this site is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be used as medical advice. Please consult your qualified medical/health professional. The material provided on this site is believed to be accurate based on the author's best judgement. Hilary McDermott assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from any action taken based on the information found on this site.
©2021 by Hilary McDermott

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